Vaccine trauma

I don’t mind needles, but the bill is what really hurt. And still does.

The travel doctor at my local medical centre looked up where I am going in India and what I will need.

I expected it to cost a few hundred, but when he said I should get the three rabies shots, I knew my wallet would be aching. And $776 NZD ($570 USD) later and a big itemised bill I was sitting in the nurses room thinking about what that could have bought me; a night in a fantastic resort by the beach, lovely dinner out with my family by the beach, or pay for my car registration and warrant of fitness due that day and still have change.

Rabies, polio, Hep A/Typhoid vaccines lay in a tray, is that all I get for my money? No offer of a cup or water or a lollipop?

I have to go back two more times to get the whole rabies vaccine experience, but at least I won’t have to get my wallet out.

When it comes to the crunch, it is cheaper than a funeral!